Discover the "instrument(s)" you can play in your team with this free online questionnaire
The Orchestra game
As a speaker on teamwork in teams and a certified Belbin trainer, I have used Dr. M. Belbin’s team roles as a starting point for the instruments. This short test should not only give you a lot of fun, but also give you a careful indication of the personal instruments (team roles) that you can use when working with others.
This short instrument game is not a replacement for the original Belbin team roles questionnaire. The original Belbin team role test is reliable and validated, can be completed based on job requirements, allows 360 degree feedback from colleagues and can generate team, function and organisational reports. I can’t do all that with this free online questionnaire. Please handle the results with care and if you want to play it safe, I can recommend the extensive, professional team role questionnaire. The cost is certainly not an obstacle. More information can be found on
Consider this questionnaire and its results as a start. Think about the “instruments” you can play in your team, talk about them with your colleagues, see which way you will go to develop from “beginner to virtuoso”.
Books I can recommend for you
- Management teams: Why they succeed or fail M. Belbin
- Teamroles at work (M. Belbin)
- The Belbin guide to succeeding at work M. Belbin
- The coming shape of organization M. Belbin
- Beyond the team M. Belbin
Music brings motion where words fail.
Richard de Hoop
- How strongly do these statements apply to you?
- The Orchestra Game consists of 48 statements. Please click for each one respectively the extent to which these statements apply to you. Please click one of the four point values in each instance.
0 Points = Does not apply at all
10 Points = Scarcely applies
20 Points = Strongly applies
30 Points = That’s me
- Total processing time should not exceed 10 minutes, because here’s what counts: It‘s important to be honest. It’s appropriate to be spontaneous. Just have fun and enjoy a few informative moments while clicking on the applicable statements.
Hurry to your mailbox! The music is already SOUNDING there! 🙂